Soil and Fertilizers

If you have been following my articles for a while you know that I often say “Don’t put chemical fertilizers on your plants!” But you’re probably asking, “Well, darn – then what fertilizers should I use Dom?” But before I answer that, let me talk a minute about why you should never use these chemicals on yourContinue reading “Soil and Fertilizers”

Drought is the Time to Make Plants Stronger

Clearly, Hawaii is in a drought, and we have been reminded repeatedly to cut back on our water use. We know that we must do our part to conserve water as our most precious resource, but how do we do that when many of us have working farms, or nurseries, live in agricultural areas, orContinue reading “Drought is the Time to Make Plants Stronger”

Seed Starting

So now you have purchased, traded and gathered your seeds for planting your summer garden – but what is the best way to start them off properly, you may be wondering? Most seeds do best, planted directly in the garden! After preparing the moist soil bed with compost, and a little organic fertilizer, making your rows, andContinue reading “Seed Starting”

Gardening 101

Dear Friends, I know that many are looking to establish a home garden to supplement questionable produce supplies now and in the future, however, gardening in Hawaii and especially Launiupoko can be challenging. Over the next several weeks (months) I will give some clear guidance on how to organically vegetable garden here in Hawaii. Today’sContinue reading “Gardening 101”